Welcome to ESOL@WodfordHouse!

Welcome to ESOL@WodfordHouse!

We are here to help students who speak English as a second language. Many students at Woodford House speak more than one language. This is not only a wonderful skill but also a reflection of our multicultural identity.

We value the cultural diversity that students from different backgrounds bring to our school.

We hope that this blog offers you the chance to not only record your progress in English, but also to interact with the rest of the international students and tell us about you and your experiences.

Without any further delay: ready, steady…let the blogging commence!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Creating a blog is really easy.You can either go to blogger.com and just follow the instructions there, or if you want, you can first watch this little video on youtube (it's only 2 minutes long) which gives extra assistance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA4s3wN_vK8

Here's a video about how to post to your blog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdqXLzvg-kM).Once your blog is ready, please let us know your blog address.

You can also put links to all your classmates' blogs on your blog. Here's a video about how to do that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY5cMEOl9Js.

If you want to change your privacy settings, this video tells you how:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU2UU_zpcdU

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make sure you turn off the automatic word-verification tool for comments on your blog. You can find out how to do this here. Otherwise, anytime you or someone else wants to leave a comment on a blog, you'd have to type in a long list of letters and numbers which can be very frustrating! Hope this helps to get you blogging!